Saturday, April 26, 2008

hej all!

my mom was here a little while back, and, needless to say, it was great to see her. my aunt and uncle also joined her. we had a lovely time while they were here. our itinerary included a visit to lund, sweden, lots of good meals, much walking around the city, a visit to the royal stables at christiansborg slot, and a great company. i wish she was still here!

it was also the queen's birthday recently. every year at noon sharp on her birthday, the queen and the royal family come out on the balcony of amalienborg slot (the royal palace) and wave hello to the adoring public. well, this year, i was part of that adoring public. alex, sarah and i went down to the castle to witness this celebration. the palace guards marched, people cheered, the family came onto the balcony, and the whole thing was over in about 20 minutes. it was, however, a really cool experience and i'm glad i went.

other than that, life here has been filled with a lot of studying. it's final paper and final exams time here in copenhagen.

i almost forgot! DIS arranged a trip to legoland a few weeks ago, which alex and i participated in. it was so much fun -- much more than i expected. they had an amazing lego-world, where all these famous buildings were built out of thousands of legos. there were rides, as well. most were pretty tame, but they had one where you programmed what you wanted the chair to do, and then you got to ride what you had just programmed. it was pretty intense, i must say.

here are some pictures to further explain as i get back to my paper. :P

museum in the round tower.

swan guarding her eggs at rosenborg.

nyhavn in real life...

lego nyhavn!!!

at legoland, they had a big shark.

little kiddies at the queen's birthday.

the royal family

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