Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

yesterday i visited my host sister louise's school. i sat in on her english class, which was pretty interesting.

some observations:

-everyone has a pencil case!
-people raise their hands in a different way. they raise their index finger and the rest of the fingers remain in a fist.
-holy p.d.a.

it was pretty fun overall and interesting to see a danish gymnasium. the school itself was really nice, too, and smelled of cookies.

when i got back, i went out to play with the animals. here are some pictures, finally!

pony nose!

how majestic...

the furriest pony ever.

i thought this goat was going to kill me, but it just wanted some lovin'.
bearded pony!

vi ses,

Monday, February 18, 2008


it's been a really busy couple of weeks here in copenhagen. i had my first danish celebrity encounter! there is a tv show here called X-Factor, which is pretty similar to american idol. i watched it with my host family last week. the next day, alex and i were walking down stroget, one of the main walking streets, and who should we see, but one of the contestants from X-Factor! there was a large crowd gathered around him and he was playing music right in the middle of the street. he was actually pretty good. here's a picture:other than that, alex and i tried to go the carlsberg brewery, but it was closed when we got there. we'll have to try again. i also drove to the ocean with my host mom last weekend. it was beautiful, but kinda cold.

i just got back from the short study tour with DIS. my group went to odense, kolding, and arhus. the first day we visited the hans christian andersen museum in odense. it wasn't terribly excited, but the man was a master of paper cutouts. see: (we weren't allowed to use flash)

we then continued on to kolding where we visited the kolding castle. it was very pretty, but we weren't there very long. we spent the night in kolding and had an amazing danish buffet in the dungeon of the castle. the next day we traveled on to arhus. we stopped along the way at a scenic viewpoint (mom, you would have loved it!) and the tour leaders produced a bottle of alcohol. it was gammeldansk, a traditional danish liquor. it smelled and tasted like medicine, but did have a lovely warming effect.

once in arhus, we had the night to ourselves. we mostly walked around the city and ate dinner before going back to the hostel. the next day we went to the arhus art museum where one of the exhibits was a chopped-up horse carcass. needless to say i was a bit horrified. after that we had time to wander around arhus and one of the girls on the trip and i ventured to the old town in arhus. it was adorable! they had old-fashioned shops and exhibits and stuff and really good old-fashioned pastry. that was pretty much the end of the tour and then we headed back to cph.

here are a few more pictures from the trip:
this is a picture from the scenic area. there is a song that goes along with drinking gammeldansk that our leaders sang. Skol!

this is old town arhus. so cute!

ok, so this isn't actually from the trip, but i like this picture!

hejhej for now!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

all DIS students leave for short study tours early tomorrow morning. i am going to arhus and kolding, two cities in jutland. i promise i'll write a big entry when i get back!

Monday, February 11, 2008

this one's for you, dad! taken in frederiksborg castle.

Friday, February 8, 2008

this picture was taken at our orientation session at the "black diamond" library. it's a pretty neat building.

i also wanted to post my address in case anyone wants to send me a... real letter! it would make me incredibly happy!

Caitlin Thompson
c/o DIS: Danish Institute for Study Abroad
Vestergade 7
1456 Copenhagen

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a picture for today, a picture for yesterday

and much love

train rides are fun, but they can be a little confusing.

the best.burger.ever.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Towards an Understanding of Danish Fashion, Predominantly in Boys and Young Men

as the title of this post suggests, i have been seriously observing the fashion trends here in Denmark. i have some preliminary comments.

-the first major thing i've seen is spiky hair. i'd say maybe 75% of the boys here have majorly spiked hair. so much so that the gel they use is often flakily visible. faux hawks, eighth-grade straight-up spikes, creative arrangements i never imagined--they have it all.

-the second thing i've noticed continues to baffle me. a large number of people pull their socks over the bottom of their jeans. yes. you read that correctly. i can't tell you how many plain white socks i have seen pulled over a pair of jeans. this causes an interesting effect on the pants, leaving a little puffed out area where the top of the socks rests on the jeans.

these are things i've noticed. more to come (?)

sorry for the lack of pictures this weekend; carlye was visiting from berlin!! it was great to see her and to show her the tiny bit of this city that i know at this point. we went out to dinner and to a really cute little pub down the street from my school. it was all candlelit and cozy with a dog running around.

on sunday alex and i visited Frederiksborg Slot, or Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød. the castle is gorgeous and was a nice chance to learn a little bit about danish royal history. we also drive by the sea to get there and saw where the rich danes live. overall it was a great, but busy weekend.

i'm off to finish my homework!

Vi ses! Hej hej!

Caitlin in Copenhagen